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Sleep Like The Dead

Sleep Like The Dead

When you get a great night’s sleep you feel refreshed and alert. You will be winning your fight for anti-aging as you increase your mood and decrease depression. As seniors, we need to consider all aspects of our health.

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Magnesium for Health

Magnesium for Health

OK, here is the scoop on magnesium. You need it. You may not want it but you need it. Get over it & take your magnesium. Sounds like your Mom speaking.

If she were here, she would agree. She might now know all it does, but we know it is an important mineral for all of us.

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Overwhelming Royal Caribbean Cruise

Overwhelming Royal Caribbean Cruise

Our Royal Caribbean cruise was incredible. The cruise ship was HUGE. There was so much to do and to see. We went with all of our cousins. This was one of those times when our family came together just because. We will always fondly remember Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas. Everyone should vacation with family, at least once.

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